Personal Injury Attorney

Personal Injury Attorney

Following a serious accident that results in catastrophic, life-changing injuries, you need an attorney skilled in more than settling your claim. Complex personal injury cases require a skilled litigator who prepares cases for trial. Beth Krulewitch is not an attorney who is quick to settle, nor does she shy away from resolving personal injury claims in the courtroom.

Since 1998, the Law Office of Beth Krulewitch has represented Colorado residents victimized by negligent acts that have left them seriously injured. Beth Krulewitch and Gerash Steiner, of counsel to the firm, focus their practice of personal injury on the following:

  • Medical malpractice
  • Motor vehicle accidents
  • Slip-and-fall accidents
  • Skiing accidents

The Need For A Skilled And Experienced Aspen Auto Accident Lawyer

Personal injury claims are legally complex and emotionally charged. While medical care comes first, representation from a compassionate, yet aggressive personal injury attorney can make a key difference in securing the compensation you need. Insurance adjusters are quick to contact accident victims to secure a quick settlement. Before speaking to anyone, place a call to our law firm. We will speak on your behalf.

Maximizing compensation starts with attending to every detail in building a fact-based and persuasive personal injury claim. The smallest oversight — such as missing a deadline — can result in your case being thrown out of court, leaving you without hope of financial compensation for your injuries.

Assault Charges

Assault Charges

Experienced Denver Criminal Defense Attorney

Fights within a family, fights in a parking lot, slapping someone in a bar, intentionally hitting a person with your car – these are all examples of assault and battery. Assault also includes an element of threat, which can be an outright threat or an implied threat.

The seriousness of the charges you face – whether it will be a misdemeanor or felony assault – will depend on the nature and extent of injuries, and whether a weapon was used. Even a foot can be considered a deadly weapon so you could potentially be facing a felony charge for assault with a deadly weapon, which carries a mandatory prison sentence if you are convicted.

I am attorney Beth Krulewitch. For more than 20 years I have defended clients in Colorado state and federal criminal courts. I began my career in the Public Defender’s office, working hard to ensure my clients received the strongest possible defense in assault and domestic violence cases. I have handled thousands of criminal trials.

My extensive courtroom experience enables me to vigorously defend clients facing criminal charges. From my offices in Denver and Aspen, I represent clients across Colorado. To learn more about how I can help you, contact me to arrange a free consultation.

  • Defense Against Any Assault Charge
  • Simple assault
  • Assault and battery
  • Aggravated assault with serious bodily injuries (SBI)
  • Assault with a deadly weapon
  • Vehicular assault
  • Sexual assault
  • Sexual battery
  • Child abuse

For a DUI Arrest

For a DUI Arrest

Denver DUI/DWAI Defense Attorney

In Colorado, if you’ve been arrested and charged with drunk driving (with a blood alcohol level above .08), you have 7 days to request a Department of Motor Vehicle hearing or you will temporarily lose your driver’s license.

If you miss the deadline to request a hearing, you will not have another opportunity to defend yourself or to retain your driver’s license until your criminal case comes to court, often months later.

After a drunk driving arrest, you cannot afford to wait. Contact a lawyer as soon as possible to protect your driver’s license. Call me, defense attorney Beth Krulewitch at 888-386-7578 or contact me online. I will defend you at the motor vehicle hearing and in criminal court.

Experienced Defense When it Matters Most

For more than 20 years I have defended clients in Colorado courts facing a wide range of criminal charges. I began my career in the Public Defender’s office, where for 11 years I provided my clients the high-quality defense they deserved. I handled thousands of criminal cases in that time. I now have a private practice defending people against criminal charges, as well as handling criminal appeals.

From my offices in Denver and Aspen, I defend clients (including drivers with CDLs) across the state of Colorado against any and all drunk driving charges, including:

  • DUI (driving under the influence)
  • DWAI (driving while ability impaired – a lesser offense)
  • DUID (driving under the influence of drugs)
  • Repeat offender DUI
  • Traffic Violations

In addition to the more serious offense of drunk driving, I also represent people who face license suspension, license revocation, or jail time for serious traffic violations, or who are at risk of being designated a “habitual traffic offender” under Colorado motor vehicle law.

There are several ways to be deemed a habitual offender, including:

    • Accumulating three convictions in a 7-year period for major traffic violations such as:
    • DUI, DWAI or driving while a habitual user of a controlled substance
      Reckless driving

For a DUI Arrest

  • Driving while license suspended or revoked
  • Committing vehicular assault, vehicular homicide, or aggravated motor vehicle theft
  • Being involved in an accident resulting in death or injuries if you failed to assist as required by law
  • Accumulating in a 5-year period, 10 or more traffic offense convictions of four or more points, OR
  • Accumulating in a 5-year period, 18 or more traffic convictions of three or less points.

I defend people facing any kind of moving violation, including:

  • Driving under revocation (DUR) license
  • Driving under suspension (DUS)
  • Speeding tickets
  • Careless/reckless driving
  • Vehicular homicide
  • Driving with no insurance
  • Seatbelt violations

When you seek the strategic advantage in court, contact my Denver or Aspen law office to learn more about what I can do to help. I offer a free initial consultation and flexible appointments.